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Edges Professional Skating Instruction offers a wide range of skating classes for ages 3 - Adult.  Learn to skate classes are offered for the first-time skater, and they are a fun, learn-through-play atmosphere.


The majority of the program involves full-equipment camps intended for hockey and/or ringette players. These range from initiation right thru to adult.  Programs run year-round and also include puck skills and shooting camps.


Edges PSI has a priority of teaching technique versus just running drills.  The coach to student ratio is second to none, coaches are the best in the business, and they pride themselves on making sure the skaters are improving and having fun at the same time.. All of this is offered at reasonable prices with a focus on quality.


Lastly, Edges is a founding member of the Canadian Power Skating Association as well as a member of the Canadian Association of Power Skating and Hockey Development.



Edges Professional Skating Instruction follows this mandate:


  • To provide exceptional quality skating instruction at reasonable prices to all levels of hockey or ringette.

  • To maintain an environment of fun and respect.

  • To make not just better skaters but better players through game specific drills.

  • To have a positive influence on attitudes regarding power skating in general in order to encourage skill development in hockey.



​This is an oldie but a goodie!  --- >



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