Blink and you might miss seeing Devin on the ice! No, it’s not because of his blinding speed; it’s because these days, Devin is only able to coach with Edges PSI on a part-time basis...and no, unfortunately he doesn’t have blinding speed, either. Although his day job currently keeps him from coaching regularly, he does get out occasionally, and he is extremely excited to be part of the 24-hour Charity Challenge.
Devin has been on skates and playing hockey since the age of 4. He started out playing in Tom Thumbs with the Lorelei Community League. From there, he joined the Hawks Athletic Club in Atom, and then on to the North West Zone for bantam and midget. These days, Devin enjoys playing in recreational leagues in both summer and winter . He also gets out to the outdoor rinks to play shinny as much as he can.